Località speciali su misura per una vacanza speciale
Che sia un viaggio per affari o per piacere, date un'occhiata alla lista di ville e case estive accuratamente selezionate.
Che sia un viaggio per affari o per piacere, date un'occhiata alla lista di ville e case estive accuratamente selezionate.
Siamo sinceri, il clima è la chiave della nostra attività. Di tanto in tanto non solo godiamo del bel tempo, ma ne traiamo anche vantaggio. Sappiamo che una villa o un hotel super lussuoso valgono molto se poi non si può aprire la finestra dal caldo. Comprendiamo anche che la nostra attività ha un certo impatto sull'ambiente ed è per questo che siamo determinati nei nostri sforzi per preservarlo. Per fare ciò, ci siamo impegnati a donare l'1% delle nostre entrate alle associazioni ambientaliste che lottano per mantenere il nostro pianeta verde e sostenibile.
A tutti coloro che si prenderebbero volentieri una pausa dalla quotidianità e dalla routine, diciamo: benvenuti! Entrate in una raccolta di destinazioni uniche e accuratamente selezionate, create per una vacanza completa.
La nostra cura per gli ospiti non si ferma al momento della prenotazione dell'alloggio, ci concentriamo sulla vostra esperienza nei minimi dettagli, ponendo la massima enfasi possibile sull'ambiente e sulla sua conservazione.
Trattamento VIP
Avete bisogno di un passaggio dall'aeroporto, dei consigli da un abitante locale o di un elenco dei migliori ristoranti - faremo in modo che tutto vada liscio.
Unitevi a noi
Entra a far parte di un club esclusivo di case uniche ed esperienze indimenticabili.
I had an amazing experience staying at one of the luxury villas managed by Escapian, Villa Negricani in Istria. From start to finish, the service was impeccable. The villa was pristine, and the amenities were top-notch. I couldn't have asked for a better experience.
Nakon godinu dana suradnje s Escapian-om, mogu reći da je naše zajedničko putovanje iznimno ugodno, svi djelatnici su pažljivi i posvećeni odnosu s klijentima. Svi moji komentari su uzeti u obzir, a zahtjevi riješeni u kratkom roku
Escapian team has been a pleasure to work with. They are attentive to my needs as a homeowner and always responsive when I have questions or concerns. They have done an excellent job and I would highly recommend them.
Komplimente an alle Mitarbeiter der Agentur Escapian. Vom ersten Kontakt an waren sie hilfsbereit und haben immer schnell auf meine Anfragen geantwortet. Wir haben die Villa Monte Grosso in Pula gebucht und die Villa war genau wie beschrieben. Vielen Dank für die tolle und professionelle Erfahrung. Wir werden auf jeden Fall in Zukunft wieder kommen.
Sve pohvale djelatnicima, proces suradnje je zaista brz i ugodan, svi upiti i mailovi su mi bili odgovoreni u kratkom roku, toplo preporučam.
Escapian has been representing my luxury villa for over a year now and I couldn't be happier with their services. They are professional, organized, and always willing to go the extra mile to ensure my property calendar is up to date and profitable. I highly recommend them to anyone looking for an agency.
We highly recommend Escapian for anyone looking for a luxury vacation experience. Their team is exceptional, and they made sure every aspect of our stay was perfect.
Der Buchungsprozess ist sehr einfach, wir lieben die Website und werden auf jeden Fall wieder bei Escapian buchen.
I have complete trust in Escapian to represent my luxury villa. Their team is knowledgeable and always goes the extra mile to ensure everything runs smoothly.
Escapian bih preporučio vlasnicima vila, jedna od prednosti je i mogućnost povezivanja kalendara kako bih izbjegao overbooking, zbog obaveza mi se nekada dogodi da zaboravim javiti rezervaciju. Sve pohvale djelatnicima na uslužnosti.
The website provides all the information needed. The communication with Escapian team runs smoothly. Will book again!
Escapian team was fast and super friendly during and after the reservation process.
Friendly staff always willing to assist.
Wir hatten einen wunderbaren Aufenthalt und Escapian half uns mit unserem späten Check-in! Würde ich weiterempfehlen!
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CroatiaI have complete trust in Escapian to represent my luxury villa. Their team is knowledgeable and always goes the extra mile to ensure everything runs smoothly.
GermanyI had an amazing experience staying at one of the luxury villas managed by Escapian, Villa Negricani in Istria. From start to finish, the service was impeccable. The villa was pristine, and the amenities were top-notch. I couldn't have asked for a better experience.
Marina B.
CroatiaEscapian team has been a pleasure to work with. They are attentive to my needs as a homeowner and always responsive when I have questions or concerns. They have done an excellent job and I would highly recommend them.
GermanyKomplimente an alle Mitarbeiter der Agentur Escapian. Vom ersten Kontakt an waren sie hilfsbereit und haben immer schnell auf meine Anfragen geantwortet. Wir haben die Villa Monte Grosso in Pula gebucht und die Villa war genau wie beschrieben. Vielen Dank für die tolle und professionelle Erfahrung. Wir werden auf jeden Fall in Zukunft wieder kommen.
GermanyDer Buchungsprozess ist sehr einfach, wir lieben die Website und werden auf jeden Fall wieder bei Escapian buchen.
CroatiaI have complete trust in Escapian to represent my luxury villa. Their team is knowledgeable and always goes the extra mile to ensure everything runs smoothly.
GermanyI had an amazing experience staying at one of the luxury villas managed by Escapian, Villa Negricani in Istria. From start to finish, the service was impeccable. The villa was pristine, and the amenities were top-notch. I couldn't have asked for a better experience.
Marina B.
CroatiaEscapian team has been a pleasure to work with. They are attentive to my needs as a homeowner and always responsive when I have questions or concerns. They have done an excellent job and I would highly recommend them.
GermanyKomplimente an alle Mitarbeiter der Agentur Escapian. Vom ersten Kontakt an waren sie hilfsbereit und haben immer schnell auf meine Anfragen geantwortet. Wir haben die Villa Monte Grosso in Pula gebucht und die Villa war genau wie beschrieben. Vielen Dank für die tolle und professionelle Erfahrung. Wir werden auf jeden Fall in Zukunft wieder kommen.
GermanyDer Buchungsprozess ist sehr einfach, wir lieben die Website und werden auf jeden Fall wieder bei Escapian buchen.
CroatiaI have complete trust in Escapian to represent my luxury villa. Their team is knowledgeable and always goes the extra mile to ensure everything runs smoothly.